Keyboard shortcuts
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Keyboard shortcuts

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Universal search

Cmd + K (Mac) or Ctrl + K (Windows) to open search.

Create a new card or page from anywhere

C to quickly create a new card.

P to quickly create a new page.

Note: you can change the default Space (and board) where your quick Cards and Pages are saved.

Boards & Views

⬆⬇⬅➡ keyboard arrows to select a card.

Option + ⬆⬇⬅➡ to move a card in a board.

Enter to open the selected card.

Esc to close the current Card, Board, View.

R to rename the selected card.

A to assign the selected card to somebody.

T to add tags.

D to set a due date.

F to quickly apply a filter to a board.


⬆⬇ keyboard arrows to select a notification.

J K keyboard arrows to select a notification.

E to resolve a notification.

Text editor

When in card descriptions, comments, or pages you can press:

@ mention any team member, card, page, board, or space.

/ slash menu for formatting options and inserting content.

: emoji picker (shortcodes)

Cmd + I italicise selected text

Cmd + Shift + X strikethrough selected text

Pro tip: If you have a URL on your clipboard, you can paste it over a highlighted piece of text to covert the text into a link.

Drop-downs and menus

When you open any dropdown or 3 dot menu in Superthread you can use:

⬆⬇ keyboard arrows to change your selection.

Enter to confirm your selection, or Space to select multiple options.

Esc to close the menu.

Close or open the sidebar

Cmd + \ (Mac) or Ctrl + \ (Windows)