Superthread changelog

Superthread changelog

What's new in Superthread

New updates and improvements shipped in Superthread 🚀

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Sep 13, 2024


  • Projects and roadmap (beta) – create Projects for large, well defined, pieces of work. Projects live in your workspace Roadmap board and provide everybody a single source of truth for your companies priorities. Project cards are similar to epics or initiatives that you might be familiar with in other tools – learn more.


  • Reverted some of the tweaks we made to the sidebar. The arrow to expand a space is not back on the left hand side.


  • Setting a card relationship whilst the Inbox is open in the background no longer causes the app to crash.

  • Tweaked incorrect padding around the items in the sidebar of a card.

  • Updated the link for viewing the ‘whats new’ changelog.

Sep 6, 2024


  • Branch-specific GitHub automation – update the status of a card when a linked pull request changes from draft/open/merged/closed in a specific target branch. For example if a PR is merged to staging, you can move the card to In QA. However if a PR is merged to main, then move the card to Deployed. These automation rules can be configured per board, so head to a board’s settings page to get setup.


  • Card sidebar redesign – we’ve tried to declutter the properties/fields on a card:

    • New simplified and unified design for all card properties.

    • Removed property labels to create more horizontal space for long names and titles.

    • Reduced the vertical spacing between items to make room for properties in the future.

    • Removed the ‘Creator’ property which is now shown as the first entry in a card’s activity feed.

  • Card ‘owner’ property has been deprecated – we observed that this field was rarely used, largely redundant, and created ambiguity when we already have an assignee field.


  • Failed payments now have a grace period before the plan is downgraded.

  • Group-by tags or assignee would not display any cards in a board.

Aug 30, 2024


  • Create cards via email – create cards by sending or forwarding an email to a unique email address associated with a board. Cards will be created in the first status/column of the board. The email subject line will become the card title, the email body will become the card description, and any files will be added as attachments. You can turn this on via the settings page for each board.


  • ‘Deleted’ notifications – you will now receive a notification when something you are subscribed to is deleted.

  • Workspace switcher – in the dropdown menu at the top of the sidebar you’ll now see a list of recently visited workspaces. This makes it easier to quickly switch between your most common workspaces.


  • On mobile, the space homepage now displays the list of pages in a single column, not two.

Aug 23, 2024


  • Space Owners – we’ve introduced the concept of a ‘Space owner’. Previously any member of a space could modify space settings. Now only ‘Space owners’ (or Workspace admins) can modify them. The space owner is the person that originally created the space, however they can transfer ownership to somebody else. The space owner:

    • Cannot be removed from the space.

    • Is the only person that can add users to a private space.

    • Can change the visibility of a space from open to private.

    • Can delete the space.


  • /Attach is now available in the slash menu in comments.

  • Tweaked the icon opacity in the sidebar.

  • Delete list/column – we’ve removed the option to archive a list in a board. Now you can just delete it instead.

  • We now hide the ‘Favourites’ section in the sidebar if you have nothing favourited.

  • On a space homepage, the page list is now displayed in a two column layout by default.


  • The 3 dot menu for attachments in page comments is no longer cut-off by the comments sidebar.

  • Added a padlock icon to private spaces in the space/board picker dropdown.

  • Commenting on text inside of a table no longer causes the text to truncate or change font size.

  • Could not click on a notification in the Inbox if you navigated to the Inbox whilst viewing a card open in the side docked layout.

  • When viewing a card in fullscreen layout, navigating somewhere else in the main app sidebar will now close the card.

  • Fixed a bug where the assignee picker would not focus the search input after being opened using keyboard shortcuts.

Aug 16, 2024


  • Sidebar redesign – the sidebar has been subtly redesigned to make it feel less cluttered.

    • The chevron to expand or collapse a space has been moved to the right to improve vertical alignment and make more room for space names.

    • The workspace logo and settings dropdown have been slimmed down to reclaim vertical space and align them with the breadcrumb in the headings of cards/pages/boards.

    • The number of items in the ‘Getting started’ section in the sidebar has been reduced to focus on the most useful links and actions for users to discover.

  • Quote and reply – this will automatically copy the contents of the comment and format it as a quote block in the reply field. This is useful for replying to a specific comment within a thread. Find the option in the 3 dot menu of a comment.

  • We added an option to go to the ‘Manage templates’ settings page in the template picker dropdown.

  • We now also show blocking and blocked flag icons when using the list layout.

  • You can now use keyboard arrows to select a date in the date picker pop-up.


  • Reduced input lag when using keyboard shortcuts to open the assignee, tags, or board filter dropdowns.

  • Headings in pages that had been shared to the web had the wrong page margins when viewed on mobile.

  • When creating a new card, editing a link in the card description no longer closes the card.

  • Drag and dropping multiple images into the text editor will now successfully upload all the images as inline attachments.

  • When leaving a space, the confirmation pop-up would sometimes display the wrong space name.

  • Unchecking yourself in the ‘space members’ dropdown will not open the pop-up to confirm that you want to leave the space.

  • Moving a card to a different board would not update the list of available statuses in the card’s sidebar.

Aug 9, 2024


  • Blocked and Blocking flags – when a card is marked as blocked or blocking another card, we will display a small flag icon on the card in the board.

  • Callouts are now supported in pages that have been shared to the web.


  • Typing and editing content in large pages should be a lot less laggy.

  • In Safari, the ‘Move to board’ search pop-up will now be dismissed when you click outside of it.

  • When in list layout, the due date column had incorrect padding.

Aug 2, 2024


  • Delete a list from a board – you can now delete lists (columns) from within a board. Previously you could only archive them. Deleting a list will also delete all the cards contained within that list.


  • Easier board filtering – click the filter button or press the keyboard shortcut F, then just search for anything you want to filter on. Previously you had to select a category such as tag or assignee, but now the search will find options within each category.

  • Added a ‘delete card’ option in the 3 dot menu for child cards.

  • Sort by last updated – sorting a list of cards by when they were last updated is now more reliable. Adding related cards, attachments, or comments now all count as ‘updates’ to the card.

  • Tweaked the button style in cards so that they better match the rest of the app.


  • Opening the member picker for a space on the ‘Browse and manage spaces’ screen would incorrectly show that you were a member of every space.

  • Leaving a space on the ‘Browse and manage spaces’ screen no longer navigates you somewhere else in the app.

  • Copying a link to a comment no longer closes the child card creation input.

  • In Safari, fixed incorrect icon sizes when creating a card inline in a board.

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