Superthread changelog
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Superthread changelog

What's new in Superthread

New updates and improvements shipped in Superthread 🚀

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Jul 26, 2024


  • Delete a board – you can now permanently delete a board. You’ll find the option in the 3 dot menu in the header of a board. Deleting a board will also delete all the cards in that board. Deleting a board cannot be undone.


  • Sidebar design – we’ve made search easier to access and moved the ‘New card’ and ‘New page’ options into a new ‘Create’ menu.

  • When adding a new list to a board, we’ve renamed the ‘List status’ picker to 'Status type’ to make its meaning clearer.

  • The /attach option in the slash menu will now also show up if you type /file


  • Fixed a bug in cards where generic file attachments were displaying the image icon.

  • Fixed missing space name in feedback notification when adding/removing somebody to a space.

  • Fixed a bug where you could not create new tags on card when opening the card from within a page.

  • The assignee picker would show the wrong list of assignees when viewing a card and a page at the same time that were from different spaces.

Jul 19, 2024


  • Delete a page – you can now permanently delete a page. You’ll find the option in the 3 dot menu in the header of a page. Deleting a page cannot be undone.


  • Comment attachments – it is now possible to attach any type of file to a comment.

  • ‘Attach’ slash command – you can now attach a file by typing /attach in card descriptions, comments, and pages.

  • ‘Copy git branch name’ keyboard shortcut – you can now use the keyboard shortcut Cmd + Shift + . on macOS or Ctrl + Shift + . on Windows to copy the git branch name for the selected card, to your clipboard.

  • Pages and documents should appear to open and load faster than they did before.


  • Fixed missing string in the pricing table.

  • It is not possible to move your cursor above a code block, even when the code block is on the first line of a comment/page/card.

  • Fixed an issue where keyboard shortcuts were triggered instead of typing in the input field for the tags picker and assignee picker.

  • The ‘is parent card’ filter no longer matches parents where all its child cards are archived.

  • Fixed an issue where the /image option in the slash menu was not clickable in the quick card creation popup.

  • Fixed a bug in the ‘Upgrade’ button tooltip that would display the wrong workspace owner.

Jul 12, 2024


  • Delete a card – you can now permanently delete a card. You’ll find the option in the 3 dot menu of card. Deleting a card cannot be undone.


  • Rename attachments – file attachments in cards and pages can now be renamed by clicking on the new ‘Rename’ option in their 3 dot menu.

  • Quick assign yourself – use the keyboard shortcut I to quickly assign (or unassign) yourself to the currently selected/hovered/open card.

  • After replying to a comment, we will automatically focus your cursor in the ‘New reply’ box incase you want to add a second comment.


  • Card titles were not being updated in the list of ‘recently viewed’ items that are displayed before you preform a search.

  • Pasting a link to a team members ‘My work’ page now displays a beautified link for it.

  • For some users, pages that they viewed were not being added to the list of ‘recently viewed’ items in search.

  • When changing a card’s priority or estimate, the change will now be updated immediately for other users viewing the same card.

  • Fixed a bug where you could not click on the ‘Set parent card’ button in an open card after creating a card with a parent.

  • Fixed an issue where some ‘Due soon’ notifications were not being sent.

Jul 5, 2024


  • Fixed several misaligned elements and text wrapping that was broken as a consequence of adding support for French locale.

  • Fixed an issue where the board settings page would lose the context of which board you were configuring.

  • Opening a full screen card from the Inbox, then navigating back to the Inbox would not work.

Jun 28, 2024


  • Search filtering – it’s now easier to find what you’re searching for with filters for Spaces, Statuses, and content Types.

  • Callouts in the editor – callout blocks are useful for highlighting specific text or breaking it out from the rest of a document. Perhaps you want to add a warning, a tip, etc. You can add them in pages, card descriptions, or comments using the slash command /callout .

  • French locale – you can now use Superthread in French. We’ll automatically detect the language your browser is set to and adjust the language accordingly. You can also manually change the language from Settings > Account > Profile


  • In the Inbox, if you navigate to a card that you are currently viewing a notification about, the Inbox will no longer break.

  • Searching for a space on the ‘Browse spaces’ screen no longer changes the width of the Spaces table.

  • Reduced the opacity of the placeholder text in a new line.

  • The real time collaboration avatars in pages no longer change position as the page scrolls.

  • In boards, ‘sort by priority’ should now work as intended.

  • The tags tooltip wasn’t working when in a View or the My work page.

  • Fixed an issue where changing a card title immediately after dragging a card into a different list would not save the title.

Jun 21, 2024


  • Calendar layout (beta) – you can now view a board as a calendar. Cards that have start dates or due dates will be visible on the calendar.

  • Code block syntax highlighting – code blocks now support syntax highlighting for most popular programming languages. You can add a code block using the slash command /code in card descriptions, comments, and pages.

  • Plans and billing – its now possible to upgrade your plan.


  • Role and permission changes:

    • Admins – are now the only role that can invite and remove team members from the workspace.

    • Guests – can only see, mention, and interact with members of the specific spaces they’ve been added to.

  • Some people call them ‘tags’, some call them ‘labels’. So when searching in the board filter dropdown we’ll now show ‘tags’ when searching for ‘labels’

  • The ‘Invite member’ popup can now be used to email invite brand new members and also add existing workspace members to a space.


  • When restoring an archived page that contained subpages, the subpages will no longer display as ‘Untitled’ in the sidebar.

  • Change the colour of the ‘Upgrade’ button on the Pland and Billing page.

Jun 14, 2024


  • The toast notification that confirms a card has been archived will now truncate long card titles.

  • After deleting a tag, the deleted tag will now be removed from all cards in the board without needing to refresh the page.

  • Fixed a case where you could not apply a board filter Views if the first space in your workspace had no boards in it.

  • After removing a member from the members settings page, the remaining members would show the wrong roles until you refreshed.

  • We added a warning message to the Shortcut importer to inform users that stories that are not assigned to a team will not be imported.

  • Fixed the position of members dropdown on the ‘Browse spaces’ screen.

  • On the ‘Create space’ screen, double clicking the ‘Create’ button would create two spaces.

  • Refreshing the page when viewing a card in fullscreen mode no longer breaks the breadcrumb navigation.

Jun 7, 2024


  • We’ve added an ‘undo’ action when archiving a list in a board.

  • Scrolling in boards that have been embedded in a page should now feel more intuitive.

  • Tweaked the design of the notification you receive when a card is added to a board that you have subscribed to.

  • When moving a card to another board, the toast notification now offers a button to view the card in its new board.

  • Tweaked the height of the filter menu dropdown to make it more obvious that it can be scrolled.


  • Fixed an issue where guest users could not assign themselves to cards.

  • Embedded videos should now work more reliably in pages that have been shared to the web.

  • Creating a child card on a slow internet connection now displays the correct card title.

  • Fixed some inconsistent styles in the pop-up that is displayed when duplicating a board.

  • Imported cards now show their correct breadcrumb path in tooltips.

  • Fixed an issue where the button to hide the card sidebar was not working in the Inbox.

  • Fixed text indentation in the ‘are you sure’ popup when deleting a comment.

  • Fixed an issue where any open dropdowns would not get hidden when navigating using the ‘back’ button in the browser.

  • Closing a card whilst you are focussed in the comment input field would prevent the URL updating.

  • When viewing cards in the side docked layout, the option to set related cards would not always work and prevented the related card search from returning any results.

  • Videos that are embedded in pages that have been shared to the web now playback more reliably across different browsers.

May 31, 2024


  • Mentions search results – its easier to find what you’re looking for because we’ve created more room to display titles in the search results.

  • Linked pull requests on cards – if you’re using our GitHub integration, we’ve added a tooltip to the PR counter on cards to better explain the status of the linked PRs.

  • Tweaked the display of timestamps in the app to show show ‘Now’ if the action took place less than a minute ago.


  • Fixed an issue where the avatar image on the profile settings page had the wrong dimensions.

  • In Safari, fixed the spacing between the board name input and the default layout section on the new board screen.

  • In Safari, pop up notifications no longer display behind dropdown menus.

  • Fixed an issue where the board settings page would be visible even though no board had been selected.

May 24, 2024


  • Recently viewed items in Search – the search pop-up will now display a list of recently viewed items to make navigating between relevant work much faster.

  • Single parent cards – we now enforce that each card can only have a single parent set on it. This makes understanding card hierarchy and relationships much simpler.

  • Tweaked the design of the ‘Settings’ pages so that they now all have a more consistent look and feel.

  • The plans page has been tweaked to be easier to compare monthly vs annual plans.

  • Improved the mobile layout of comment threads in cards.

  • We added a label for the ‘Comment’ action in the floating text toolbar.

  • We’ve increased the line height of headings in the text editor to make them look a bit nicer.


  • Fixed an issue where the board URL would be incorrect after using keyboard arrows to change the currently selected card.

  • Fixed position of tooltip when hovering over the ‘copy link’ icon in a card header.

  • Fixed a console error when deleting a space.

  • Sanitise board name and space name input fields to prevent cross site scripting exploits.

  • Viewing cards in the side docked layout would occasionally cause the wrong card to be updated when adding a parent card.

  • Fixed an issue where the ‘Large text’ option would not be remembered when navigating away from a page.

  • Fixed an issue where you could not remove a member from a space on the ‘Manage spaces’ screen.

  • When duplicating a board, the board name field now works.

May 17, 2024


  • The ‘Layout’ sort order preference is now remembered on the ‘My work’ page.

  • We’ve added download links for our desktop app in Settings > Account > Preferences

  • Added a ‘Contact us’ email address in the ‘Help & Feedback’ popup.


  • Fixed the missing overscroll area (gutter) when opening a page from search or favourites.

  • The ‘Open page’ button when duplicating a page now correctly opens the duplicated page.

  • Guest users can no longer see the option to ‘Create a space’ throughout the app.

  • In Safari, pasting an image into a comment reply no longer breaks scrolling.

  • Fixed a console error when creating a new list in a board and clicking outside of the status tyope dropdown.

  • Fixed a rare case where an inline comment would not show the highlighted text that the comment was about.

May 10, 2024


  • Duplicate a board – you can now duplicate a board. This will create a copy of the board that contains all the same statuses. It will not duplicate any of the cards in the board. You can find the ‘Duplicate’ option in the 3 dot menu in the header of the board or the sidebar.


  • The slash menu will now show the ‘board embed’ option when you search for the word ‘embed’.

  • Added a close button to the comments sidebar in pages to make it more obvious how to close.


  • The size of a card no longer changes whilst editing a card title inline in a board.

  • Fixed a bug where the 3 dot menu on the ‘Manage spaces’ screen would sometimes appear twice.

  • When viewing a list of cards with an assignee filter applied, removing the assignee from a card will hide the card from the list and also close the assignee picker.

  • Fixed an issue where the keyboard shortcut A to open the assignee picker was not working in a board.

  • Fixed a bug where navigating from the Inbox to a Board would break the keyboard shortcuts in the board.

  • The order of spaces in the ‘Manage spaces’ screen now matches the order of the spaces in your sidebar, even after when refreshing the page.

  • Fixed a bug where you could not move a card to a board if the first list in the board had been archived.

  • On smaller screens, the options in the slash menu could not be fully scrolled through.

  • Fixed the border radius in the board picker dropdown.

May 3, 2024


  • Keyboard shortcuts in the Inbox would not work after navigating from the Space homepage.

  • In the Inbox, the keyboard shortcut E to resolve a comment was not automatically moving you to the next notification.

  • Fixed an issue where the ‘Apply template’ button in an empty page would not be hidden after adding a table to the page body.

  • Fixed an issue where the 3 dot menu for a card would open in the wrong position when it had child cards expanded.

Apr 26, 2024


  • Due date notifications – cards with due dates will now notify the assignees and any subscribers when a card is due soon (in 3 days time) or overdue.

  • Board embeds – embed a fully interactive board inside of a page. Just type /board at the position in the page where you would like to embed the board. Embedded boards are not currently supported in pages that have been published to the web.


  • Duplicate card suggestions – we’ve upgraded the AI model used to suggest duplicate cards. In addition, cards that already have a relationship wont be suggested (such as parent and child cards). This should make the suggestions more relevant.

  • Notifications for subscribing to a board or specific list are now sent to Slack and included in email digests.


  • Notification digest emails are now sending again.

  • The Settings pages should now open and close faster.

  • Dragging a list from one board to another on the Space homepage now works as intended.

  • The keyboard shortcuts to quickly create a new card or page have been disabled on the signup and login flow.

  • Navigating from the quick page creation modal to the ‘page templates’ setting page now closes the modal.

  • The board layout option to ‘hide empty groups’ and ‘show weekends’ are now remembered after refreshing the page.

  • Fixed an issue where logging in with Google on the desktop app would not correctly redirect back to the app.

  • Fixed console error with floating text toolbar.

Apr 19, 2024


  • Page comments – we already supported inline comments for specific in-page discussions, but now you can comment on the overall page without having to select any text. Just hover over the page title to see the new comment button.


  • The dropdown for choosing a card template now shows all the templates for the spaces you have joined, not just the space you are currently viewing.


  • We now remove escape characters that were accidentally being displayed in Slack notifications.

  • When using the quick page creation pop-up, creating a card from selected text will now show the quick card creation pop-up on top of the page creation one.

  • Fixed a scenario where creating a child card would sometimes cause a 500 server error.

  • When applying a card template, the colour of the status that the card should be created in is now correct.

Apr 12, 2024


  • Child card editing in the card creation modal – when creating a new card using the keyboard shortcut C, or when applying a template that includes child cards, you can now view, add, and edit the child cards from within the card creation pop-up.

  • We’ve added an option to rename a board in the ‘Board settings’ page.


  • Notifications were missing the connecting words between the type of notification and who it was from (Comment ‘from’, Mentioned ‘by’).

  • Tweaked the placeholder text in checklist items so that users are no longer prompted to use the unsupported slash menu.

Apr 5, 2024


  • The timeline layout for boards will now display statuses (columns/lists) in reverse order. In most cases, this means cards that are ‘Done’ will be displayed at the top left of the timeline making it behave more like a Gantt chart.

  • Cards and pages can now be created when browsing the Settings pages. Just press C or P to create a card or page.

  • Tweaked the description for the ‘Share to web’ feature in pages to better explain that sub-pages will also be shared.


  • The board layout option to ‘hide empty groups’ now removes the gap left behind by the hidden groups.

  • Guest users are no longer able to create or delete templates.

  • In dark mode, some 3 dot menus had a white background.

  • The ‘Board settings’ page is no longer visible if the selected Space has no boards.

  • Tag and member filtering in a board now works more reliably.

  • Fixed error when opening a card from a board that had just been archived.

  • On mobile, fixed a issue that would cause the app to become unresponsive when navigating to a parent card from within the Inbox.

  • On Safari, the ‘Apply template’ button in an empty page is no longer truncated.

  • The helper text in the empty state of the Inbox now line wraps correctly on narrow screens.

  • If the name of a space started with an empty character, you can now delete that space without having to type an empty character.

  • When creating a card template, the child cards within that template will now correctly display the board they should be created in.

  • Fixed an issue where you could not open a card notification when the ‘New’ filter was applied in the Inbox.

  • Fixed an issue where you could not create page when viewing the ‘Manage spaces’ screen.

View Q1 2024 changelog →