Pages, subpages, and public pages
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Pages, subpages, and public pages

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Create pages

Text editor features

Page icon and cover image

Share to web

Organise your Pages

Using Pages to create private notes

Example use cases



Superthread streamlines your work by unifying tasks and documents in a single location, all powered by lightning-fast universal search and intuitive drag-and-drop functionality.

We call these documents 'Pages' and you can also create Pages inside of other Pages, called 'Sub-Pages'.

Sub-Pages are useful for grouping relevant information together and you can have multiple Sub-Pages, and indeed multiple levels of Sub-Pages.

Create pages

To create a new top-level Page, hover over the Space you want to create the Page within and click the + button and select 'Add new page' To create a new Sub-Page, hover over a Page in the sidebar and and click the + button; this new Sub-Page will be automatically displayed nested underneath its parent page in the Sidebar and linked to the parent Page.

Text editor features

Pages are collaborative documents that support:

  • Text

  • Images

  • @mentions

  • Emoji :shortcodes:

  • Slash menus

  • Inline comments

  • Table of contents

  • Markdown

  • Anchor links

You can collaborate on Pages in real time, and you can see who else is working on the document from the avatars on the left hand side, with everything saved in real time.

Page icon and cover image

You can choose both an icon and a cover image for a page. These are used around the app, so they help you find the page later on.

If you hover over the page title, you’ll see the “Add icon” and “Add cover image” actions.

When you click “Add icon”, you’ll be asked to choose which icon and colour to use. Once an icon has been added, you can click on it again to change or remove it.

When you click “Add cover image”, a random cover image will be chosen for you. Once a cover image has been added, click the “Edit” button in the bottom right corner of the cover image to change or remove it.

Share to web

You can publish your Superthread pages to the public internet, including choosing if those pages are indexed by search engines or not.

Organise your pages

You can re-organise your Pages using drag and drop in the Sidebar, and can drop one Page on top of another Page to make it a Sub-Page.

Dragging a parent Page to a new position in the Sidebar will also drag all its Sub-Pages with it.

Note: Sub-Pages inherit settings from the Page above them

Actions you take on the Parent page will also be applied to it's Sub-Pages.

This means that:

  • When you move a Page somewhere else, all it's Sub-Pages will move with it.

  • If you share a Page to the web, all it's Sub-Pages will also be shared to the Web.

  • When you archive a Page, all it's Sub-Pages will also be archived.

Using Pages to create private notes

As well as being used for more formal documentation, Superthread Pages can be great for taking quick, simple notes.

To make this as slick as possible, you can press P from anywhere within the app to quickly create a new Page.

This new Page will save into your Private Space by default

(although you can easily change this if you want)

The Page can either continue to live there or, if it's something you're going to work on and then share with your team at a later stage, you can simply drag it into your team Space when it's ready.

Example use cases

At Superthread we use Pages to:

  • Maintain a comprehensive internal wiki

  • Write specs for new features

  • Write and maintain this public Knowledge Base

  • Share our public changelog

  • Write and share job descriptions

  • Write and share blog posts

  • Quickly take notes by pressing P


Superthread supports markdown, which you may be familiar with from tools such as Slack.

If you're not familiar with it already, it's designed to allow rapid styling of documents without having to reach for your mouse. Here's a little cheat sheet to get you underway.




`inline code`

* bullet list
1. numbered list
[] checklist

```code block```

--- page divider

# H1
## H2
### H3

Next up...

Additional features